As you have much to learn today, I will waste no time in getting down to business. No doubt you all have compared dossiers by now and found that your patrons are all very similar as far as development is concerned. Although none are really what one would call devoted stalwarts, all are consistent consumers of pornography, though none of them would admit it even if confronted with the evidence. There are several developmental responses your patrons may adopt toward pornography and their lust in general when confronted. At first, they might deny any knowledge of pornographic material found in their possession, or give ownership of it to some imaginary "congregant who is having a problem with lust". Later, after they have fairly well enmeshed themselves in a web of self-deception, they might say they are merely trying to discover what the lure of such sinful material is, or that they are "Only Human", or that they are simply perusing works of "Art". Finally, if all goes well, they might admit to being bestial, and revel in the fact. I shall go into all of these responses in greater detail in later sessions. All of your patrons now hover in the denial stage, and that is due to the excellent foundational work done by Libido and his crew. All of your patrons are well-educated and intelligent, and it was by playing on that nerve that Libido has hooked them. He has replaced their dangerous powers of reason with rationalization. You should at all times keep this foundation of rationalization in mind and work towards the natural fruition of it: namely, the developmental responses I just mentioned and, of course, your sculpture. But at first, you should concern yourselves more with the patron rather than your art. Right now, they know that lust is wrong and are ashamed of it. Your main job now is to see to it that they view lust as something other than a pleasurable, flesh-filled mixture of selfishness and hatred.

The main area of attack is his reason, while at the same time flanking him on the emotional and physical fronts. There are three primary variations of attack on your patron's reason, or rather, I should say the way he uses his reason, for it is much too early to begin attacking the reason itself. It is not likely that any of your patrons would submit or would even be open to a direct attack without heavy resistance. The current thrust is merely to direct his reason down desirable paths, and once that is accomplished, your patron will fairly welcome you and view any direct attacks as an alliance. Each path has a distinct destination to lead him away from the Enemy: the patron himself, the sin itself, or others involved in the same sin.

The area of reason is probably the most fun because your patron will act the most foolish. Later, when you are on your own, you must choose carefully though. If your patron is more the emotional type, it's probably safer to attack him emotionally and play him into being an emotional martyr which produces splendid effects artistically speaking and often leads, if not to painful relationships, then to suicide. But I believe your assigned patrons mostly enjoyed their schooling and intellectual pursuits, and have learned to subordinate their emotions to a great extent. Very well, all of your patrons have failed the Enemy in the area of lust; the game now is to try to get them to work on understanding why. Believe me, it is the funniest thing to watch...such stories I could tell you...but this is not the time for reminiscence. Set your patron to reasoning his way out of his sin. Let him analyze his relationships with his mother, his father, his wife, his children, his dog. Let him seek "self-revelations" to his heart's content, then send him out to fail after every one. Always dangle the carrot in front of him. Put in his mind the proud thought, "Hah! I now understand that I am lustful because of lack of love from my mother as a child. Now that I understand that, I can stop sinning." Then after he as ogled yet another woman (or man, for that matter), put into his mind, "I am still sinning. There must be some other subconscious pain or anger that I've blocked out." and send him on the treadmill again. Occupy and cloud his mind with introspection; it is one of the best shields against the plain Enemy command that he should repent and ask for forgiveness. Trap him and watch his time and his soul waste away while your sculpture takes form and sucks the life out of him.

Another related game your patron may be interested in playing is that of “Objective Observer". Phallus is a master of this game and has literally millions of conquests to his name. He puts it into the patron's mind to purchase a pornographic magazine or video, take it to a private place, then "objectively" look at the pictures to discover why he feels lust and to try to "reason" with himself. I remember Phallus showing me one of his patrons in a back room of his church almost raving. He stood before a mirror with pornographic magazine in his hands screaming at himself, "Vagina! That is a vagina! A perfectly natural thing made by God! Why do you want that? What's wrong with you? Breasts! Breasts are natural and normal! There is not a thing lustful about them! The lust is within you, you rotten sinner! Why do you twist things? You have a wife! Why do you want others? What's wrong with you?" After his tirade, he masturbated, and Phallus did some exceptional carving on him that night. It was a refreshing, productive evening. The best thing about this game is that patrons are encouraged to repeat it because they feel a sort of vindication. When they pray, they will ask the Enemy if He did not see how much they hate their sin, and they actually feel proud for "attacking" their sin. If they repeat it enough, they will begin torturing themselves physically in order to feel the same degree of vindication as when they first began — a perfectly delightful state of affairs, for it is then that they really believe that they are purging themselves of their own sins. And such dining! Last evening, Phallus and I dined on filet of masochist, and I can assure you that the hot succulence of such an ego just bubbles within you. I say this to spur you, at least gastronomically, to greater works of art.

Probably the most fulfilling aspect of the attack on your patron is the corruption of his faith. It is refreshing to see him fail because of his pathetic and puny spirit, but it is far more rewarding to see him willingly twist what supposedly is most important to him, his faith in the Enemy, to accommodate his lust. Oh, it takes a great deal of skill and care to so conquer a patron with defeat and despair that he actually believes his lust to be a vital part of his faith, but it can be done and has been done more and more often. Libido has had great success in grooming the patrons for this practicum. He has convinced them that if they go to great pains to shepherd their flocks away from the sin of lust, then the Enemy will view their own "human frailty" with more leniency. However, what is frail to them is black hole solidity to us, and they fail to realize how even at this very moment, their lust creates the raw material from which you will form your art and mold their souls. Even if the Enemy would be lenient with them, we shall ask and have perfect right to that portion of his soul that belongs to us.

This climate of "earned forgiveness" that Libido has created in your patrons is essential for even deeper deception. For it is not long until they can no longer reconcile this attitude with the Enemy's doctrines. They know the Enemy has no reason to favor their sin, yet they cannot, or rather, will not repent. They are drowning in guilt and must find a way to tread in it. That is when you may wish to throw them the life jacket of martyrdom. As tricky as this ploy is, it is becoming much more common. He must have a certain amount of resignation concerning his lust for it to work. This resignation should reinforce our brand of sacrifice in his life. The patron will think he is imitating the Enemy, but really he is only trying to earn forgiveness. He will think, "Though God sends me to hell for my lust, yet out of my great love for Him, I will help others reach Him." Even on paper, that statement would ooze with pride. At its heart is the attitude that the Enemy is somehow unjust in His judgment of the patron's sin, yet even so, the patron will show the Enemy what real love and perfection is through good works, and shame the Enemy into accepting him, lust and all. The patron tries to "outgood" the Enemy. At first, the patron may do some very real damage to our cause, but eventually the incredible pride he lives by erodes his spirituality to the point where he does very little for his flock aside from public good works which he uses to feed his ego and bargain with the Enemy. His flock praises him to the heights, and with a mixture of great fear of the Enemy and false humbleness, the patron offers this praise to the Enemy for admission into paradise. "See?" he will say, "You don't want to lose me. I'm too vital to your cause. I've persuaded many to repent and I've done many good things. You can't put me in hell when I've done so much for you." He'd better not voice that prayer; it would be extremely difficult to hide the pride in it. However, that is the underlying attitude he should have toward the Enemy. If all goes well, the patron may finally convince himself that he is one of the Enemy's favorites and therefore not subject to the same rules and restrictions as others. As a matter of fact, he may become so proud and warped in his perceptions that he may think that his lust is a means by which he can show "God's love" to his flock. He becomes a sexual surrogate for the Enemy, a "vessel of union and love", in the words of one of Libido's patrons, whereby congregants and the Enemy may "merge in the flow of spiritual ecstasy". Ha! Ha! What justice! Such filth performed in the name of the Enemy! Phallus has a patron who has sex with up to five of his congregants in one day, both men and women, in the belief that he is "perfecting their souls for the glory of God". He is due for animation very soon.