I'm writing a children's book. I have a friend who is sort of a grammar guru, and he said I should use "fewer" instead of "less" in the sentence below. Is he right? A mom gives two of her kids some M & M's and one says:

"I got less than him!"


Technically, he's absolutely right. The rule is if you can count the difference, as with M & M's, use "fewer"; if you can only see the difference, say one peppermint stick longer than the other, use "less". And I might add that it should be "he" instead of "him" to be completely correct. Your "guru" missed that.

That said, for dialogue, he's absolutely wrong. Show me the kid who says, "I got fewer than he", and I'll show you a kid who gets a daily beating from his peers.

People, especially kids, talk how they talk, and usually with total disregard, even contempt, for grammar. Your sentence is fine whether you can count the difference or not.