There is an HOA man mowing the lawn with nobody within 100 feet of him, and he wears a mask. Thank God he is considerate and caring enough to protect people who aren’t there.

Another man goes to lunch at a restaurant. His waitress guides him through the valley of the shadow of death to his table which is, thank God, impervious to Covid infiltration. It’s okay. He’s safe. Whew! Close one.

And thank God we discovered playing football thwarts the virus, but coaching and cheerleading don’t. Ah, the advances of science!

Do we really believe we need protection from a virus with a 99.9% recovery rate for most people, not to mention drug regimens that cure it in many cases? Why do we do it? Why do we kowtow to these asinine rules invented by people who have no business making rules for us?

There’s a reason, you know. We want to avoid something, and it’s not Covid. Nobody mentions it because it’s an ugly word, so barbaric and violent. Other people suffer under this word, but not Americans.

Until now.

Now this word infects every aspect of our lives. It’s what happens when “safety” trumps freedom. Go ahead, say it. It’s on the tip of your tongue.


That’s right. That HOA man wears his mask to keep his job. Restaurants perform this ridiculous dance to stay in business. Coaches mask up to avoid heavy fines. Yes, that’s right…persecution is alive and well in America. Either toe the line from on high, or the government will close you down and take away your right to pursue happiness. They will taze and arrest you and take away your right to liberty.

And yes, they will even take away your right to life. How many people committed suicide or murder because the government destroyed their lives and removed all hope? How many died because the government closed the hospitals and prevented medical help for anything but Covid? How many died because the government propagandized fear so effectively that people stopped giving blood? There’s no tote board for these deaths, no ads decrying them, no tearful, fearful news stories, nothing on the radio. No, those deaths are “normal”, unnewsworthy. We’re permitted to notice only the official government sanctioned form of death.

I don’t know about others, but it shocked me to discover my rights were not so inalienable. A governor or health organization can render them null and void by simply issuing a mandate.

I have shocking news for the governor and all other leaders who abandon protecting our freedom in favor of keeping us “safe”: we are ALL going to die. That’s right, even governors. There’s not a single thing any human on the planet can do to prevent it because, still more shocking, we’re not God. All our days are numbered, and if God has determined a person will die of Covid, no amount of masks, distance, disinfectant, vaccinations, or quarantines can change it. Plenty of vigilant “maskers” have died from Covid. Only God decides who dies, when, and how.

We are not meant to fear a virus, particularly a weak one that for the most part kills older or sick people. We are meant to fear God and obey His commandments, but we don’t do that nowadays. My church is now a bastion of fear, filled with masked people who fear each other, fear the government, fear the virus...I stopped going to church to improve my outlook. I receive a more than adequate diet of fear and silliness from outside the church. I don’t need or want a participation trophy. The fearmongers have been so wrong so many times about so many things concerning the virus, it literally stuns me they aren’t laughed to shame.

I think this persecution is the very beginning of the end of America. I’ve said for years that for God’s Word to come true concerning the end times, America cannot exist. Under a world dictator, there is no place for a Declaration of Independence or an American Constitution, and today, right now, we see the very beginnings of their destruction. The 1619 Project, cancel culture, BLM, environmental extremism, all of this socialism is geared toward the destruction of freedom, the acquisition of power, and the enslavement of all. It is the very first salvos in a war against God, the Source of all freedom.

Don’t believe me? Simply mention God and what He says in His Word about any of these subjects, if you dare. I have. Tell an environmental extremist the obvious fact that man has never controlled the climate of the earth and never will, and the obvious truth that God controls it and has from the beginning of time. Point out how our puny intellects have difficulty controlling the climate in a room, let alone a planet. The cancel stamp comes out pretty darn quick, let me tell you.

Or tell a lesbian that her “wife” is not a wife at all, that from the beginning of time, God defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and a wife as the spouse of a husband, and she can never be a husband. A screech of “Hate speech!” and castigation might well ensue.

Or tell a BLM activist that ALL lives matter, that God created all of us in His own image, and we are all of equal worth to God. You’ll soon discover the universal love of God is racist, the white man’s power play, and needs erased from history.

It never was this way before. When I was young, the ridicule was limited to “Jesus freak” or “religious nut”, and the bashers thought me naïve, childish, unrealistic, or ridiculous. But now that’s gone. Now, I’m called hateful, selfish, mean-spirited, violent – in short, evil. Any representation of God or His Truth is evil now. It will not be long before people start to take action against what they consider evil.

I think the time until the end of the world predicted by Jesus is very short, possibly within my lifetime, and more and more, I think definitely within the lifetimes of my grandkids. May His Spirit keep me steadfast until the end.